Worms 1637: The Ba’al Shem of Worms, passed away.
The great tzaddik and mekubal Rabbi Eliyah Loanz, was known as the Ba’al Shem of Worms.
His descendancy was from Rashi, and from the great shtadlan-lobbyist, R’ Yosselman of Rosheim.
R’ Elyah, was originally from Frankfurt. He was a disciple from Rabbi Yakov Günzberg, and from Rabbi Akiva Frankfurter. He was rav in the Jewish communities, Hanau, Friedberg, and Worms, where he passed away at the age of 72.
He authored many sefarim, Aderes Eliyahu on Zohar, and Michlul Yofi on Ruth, and some more.
Source: Chaim Mechel, Or Hachayim 401
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