Today, 2447 years ago, in the year 3333 AM, the daily korban tamid offering ceased to be sacrificed in the times of the first Beis Hamikdash.
This is amongst the five things which happened on the 17th of Tamuz throughout the years.
The five things are first mentioned in Megillas Taanis, then in the Mishnah, and are also mentioned in the selichos of this very day.
The other 4 things were: 1) the luchos were broken, 2) the city [of Jerusalem] was penetrated, 3) Apostamus burned the Torah 4) a statue was placed in the Heichal.
According to other sources, the korban tamid ceased to be sacrificed in the times of the second Beis Hamikdash, in the year 66 CE.
Sources: Rashi, Daniel 8:14, Meleches Shlomos, Taanis 4:6.