Kankan Daily History

18th Century

8 Shevat

Metz, 1733: The Shevus Yaakov passed away.
7 Shevat
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17th Century
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24 Teves
18th Century
23 Teves
18th Century
22 Teves
18th Century
21 Teves
18th Century
20 Teves
19th Century
19 Teves
18th Century
17 Teves
18th Century
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18th Century
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16th Century
12 Teves
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14 Fascinating Facts About Prague’s Altneuschul

| Chabad.org, Free Articles | No Comments
The Altneuschul in Prague is one of the oldest functioning shuls in the world. What do we know about this historical place of worship First published on Chabad.org.

Is This Yosef?

| Egyptian Exile, Featured, Free Articles, Geography, Issue 17, Issues, Research | No Comments
Is This Yosef?

Mystery Music

| 11th Century, Free Articles, Issue 17, Issues | No Comments
What is the connection between: A Norman nobleman, a converted Archbishop, a lunar eclipse, the First Crusade, a messianic Karaite, and a mysterious piece of music? The thread that ties…

In Search of the Sambatyon – 3

| 19th Century, Free Articles, Issue 17, Issues, Research | No Comments
“With the help of Hashem, Rosh Chodesh Marcheshvan 591 (1830) in the holy land Eretz Yisrael and the holy cities Yerushalayim, Chevron, and the holy upper Galilee Tzfas, may it…

The Thief Who Chickened Out

| Free Articles, Issue 17, Issues, Stories | No Comments
Aside from their astuteness in Torah, some of our gedolei Yisrael are quite famous for their wit, especially as displayed in their earlier years. Not many of these stories have…

Faith and Art

| Free Articles, Issue 17, Issues, Stories | No Comments
The year is 1537, and a murder has just occurred in the city of Krakow, Poland. The unfortunate victim is an Italian architect by the name of Bartolommeo Berrecci, and…

Avraham the Wanderer

| 17th Century, Free Articles, Issue 16, Issues | No Comments
The year was 1617, and the location was the German port city of Danzig (known in Polish as Gdansk). A gentile mob had massed outside the fortified villa walls of…

Did Jews Really “Control the Economy”?

| 7th Century, Free Articles, Issue 16, Issues | No Comments
The proverbial Jewish merchant appears in world literature throughout the Middle Ages in what is most often a less than complimentary light.  Christian sources especially tend to portray Jewish businessmen…

The Fight Of The Rabbis 

| 9th Century, Free Articles, Issue 16, Issues | No Comments
In last month’s issue of Kankan, we began a series exploring the great ideological battles of Jewish history.  We began by delving into the disruption to the Jewish world caused…

An Ancient Duo of False Mashiachs

| 8th Century, Free Articles, Issue 16, Issues | No Comments
When most people think about a “false mashiach,” the first name that comes to mind is that of Shabbetai Tzvi, the infamous self-proclaimed redeemer who took Europe by storm in…

In Search of the Sambatyon – 2

| 18th Century, Free Articles, Issue 16, Issues | No Comments
Throughout the ages, there have been many gedolei Yisrael who shared a father-in-law and son-in-law bond.  One of these special bonds which was unique in its closeness, is that of…

He Summoned His Shver to Beis Din

| 17th Century, Free Articles, Issue 16, Issues | No Comments
Throughout the ages, there have been many gedolei Yisrael who shared a father-in-law and son-in-law bond.  One of these special bonds which was unique in its closeness, is that of…
11th Century

Mystery Music

What is the connection between: A Norman nobleman, a converted Archbishop, a lunar eclipse, the…
19th Century
In Search of the Sambatyon – 3
Free Articles
Faith and Art
Egyptian Exile
Is This Yosef?
Free Articles
The Thief Who Chickened Out
8th Century
An Ancient Duo of False Mashiachs
18th Century
In Search of the Sambatyon – 2
17th Century
Avraham the Wanderer
7th Century
Did Jews Really “Control the Economy”?
9th Century
The Fight Of The Rabbis 
17th Century
He Summoned His Shver to Beis Din
17th Century
The Age-Old Question
17th Century
Spare the Rod?
18th Century
A Rebuke from the King
18th Century
Over a Cup of Coffee
19th Century
Succor in the Sukkah
18th Century
Shemini Atzeres in the Sukkah
18th Century
In Search of the Sambatyon – 1
12th Century
Jewish Explorers of the Globe
1st Beis HaMikdash
Yonah’s Itinerary
2nd Beis HaMikdash
The Fights of The Rabbis:
17th Century
The Golden Rose
16th Century
Invited by the Emperor
17th Century
Wax Figurine
2nd Beis HaMikdash
Yehudis and the Bride
19th Century
Not So Innocent: The Peddler, the Postman, and the Priest
Exodus – David
Why One Hundred Blasts?
Issue 14
Surnames in Austrian Galicia
18th Century
The First Rabbi in America
1st Century
Queen Bernice
6th Century
Was There a Jewish Kingdom in Arabia?
1st Beis HaMikdash
The Holy Vessels from the Beis Hamikdash:
18th Century
A Living Kesser Torah in Stree
1st Beis HaMikdash
Who Are the Reichavim?
2nd Beis HaMikdash
Churban Bayis Sheni: An Eyewitness Account
10th Century
Queen Judith of Ethiopia
11th Century
The Carbuncle Conundrum
Humiliation: The Fall of Babylon, the World’s Capital
Burning of the Talmud
13th Century
Notre Dame on Fire! 1
Burning of the Talmud
13th Century
Notre Dame on Fire! 2
Burning of the Talmud
13th Century
Notre Dame on Fire! 3
7th Century
The Jews of Narbonne and a Babylonian Sage
19th Century
R’ Leib Kusmirak: The Polish Rothschild
2nd Beis HaMikdash
Hilnei HaMalkah: The Royal Convert to Judaism
16th Century
Piracy in the New World
19th Century
Fasting? Not So Fast: Cholera vs. COVID–19
19th Century
A Hachnassas Sefer Torah 300 Years Ago
18th Century
Heartless & Alive???
18th Century
The Raitzes Brothers
1st Beis HaMikdash
Asalyah, the Evil Queen
6th Century
Emperor Justinian I and the Jews
From Moshe to Maimonides
18th Century
Saved by an American Jew
16th Century
Shmuel Palache: The Pirate Rabbi
17th Century
Doctor and Rabbi…  and Also Court Jew
2nd Century
R’ Shimon Lavie
Meiron Entrance
2nd Century
17th Century
Mordechai II of Zolkiew
15th Century
Jewish Pirates of the Mediterranean
2nd Beis HaMikdash
Shlomtzion HaMalka
17th Century
The Jewish Quarter of Yerushalayim’s Old City
17th Century
The Fast and the Feast
17th Century
The Cossack’s Sword
17th Century
The Saga of Two Wives
17th Century
Two Names
17th Century
Cracow’s Legendary Shul
17th Century
The Centenarian Rav
17th Century
R’ Simcha Doctor
17th Century
The Maiden from Hainholz
17th Century
Sobieski’s Court Jews – I
1st Century
The 9th of Teves: A Fast Day?
17th Century
The Prince a Rav – Saul III
17th Century
Going to Yerushalayim?
18th Century
Saved by Spiderwebs
Issue 8
A Wedding in Worms
Babylonian Exile
The Last Kings
Free Articles
The Unasked Question
16th Century
The Schlissel Challah

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